Difference of 1st and 2nd is a value
we add to difference of 1st
and 3rd is same as 2nd -3rd OR difference invalue of 1st and 2nd
we add to the difference in value of 1st and 3rd.
Like difference in value of 1st and 3rd we add to
3rd is we get 1st.
So our mass and time will be used to be calculated such as
they are mass and time so value is same so these are kinds of change in mass
and time. Either mass and time one will be same.
Inertia is also there but force requires time to travel even
when applied at the spot.
Theory of relativity is there but speed of light square
should be by my equation as I could inform time correct.
Numbers happen due to force travelling and event also
happens due to forcetravelling. Which is due to force and time. So we see mass
speed-of-light square acceleration all depends upon force and time but are not
about force and time speed of light is real time and acceleration as now force
applied is the real force just the definition they bluffed up otherwise it can’t
happen by force and time what Einstein and Newton conceive of us.
Any no-event or no-event I don’t say. We keep doing positive
negative is event wrong and we are not positive with no-event as we can’t
survive other than event so some event we are and we are a force too. We are
made from event and forcetravelling so without event forcetravelling is there
you can’t say so as I write we can’t say to be a or become a no-event we are
either event or force. Phenomenon causing we live we so we aren’t no-event and
we use forcetravelling. We are a system for event so no no-event.
Friction is due to forcetravelling a base holds the building
more than sides of the building. (you read there in the link which was website
Mass and time are connected to one another are added as can’t
be multiplied (if are same.)as are not that different too so added. If there is
full difference multiplication could answer as only separate identity needs to
be multiplied. Same one you add differentiate I minus and division means not
keep a thing which is divided. You believe in multiplication. Once a system is
considered it is so as I say in this paragraph I say we about we means mass and
time. So about y x y x y we say 2xy is mass and 2x+3y is we with time. So is it
correct correct me if I am wrong. So the beginning of the page again I say mass
and time are same same means same anywhere. Here same is anywhere not that mass
and time are same but can be multiplied your mass is different from your time
so we are multiplication and time added to us is there there around us. And you
see the equation so.
This paragraph topic is same as above time is based on
Events and not a clock till phenomenon of Earth is calculated still the clock
is not same. My Space is dependent on that time as we and earth are force too
so work in no-time we are space our space is no different from mass because my
science is not implemented. So space there otherwise only mass is there.
People some against
event we are so computer is the first friend. So here force travelling for
weight is zero so Nothing working due to friction is known of two objects I say
and time is distance travelled too and mass x time mass multiplied by time so
moving space craft can known from my theory (I want Money) it is in event and
time section I write on webpage url is flat
spinning wheel remember fans how work could know how work there is the link of
time and friction theory on that page. No forcetravelling at a place again time
travel reach Nothing it is like becoming mass contact Nothing and becoming mass
and time means reaching forcetravel another way of travelling time.
C square divided by acceleration is Time removed so with
Nothing I time travel due to contact Nothing. If there is no Inertia Nothing
working on me could result so could time travel.
Zero time is space. Zero can’t connect to numbers who are
same people but letters are counted as are different (or different in number is
only a letter). I write for all time together with me as I don’t make space so
So I write ahead:Zero time is space so mass removed doesn’t work but time removes work. And force removes have weird answers like weight removes and force removed are opposite we get value 400. Force removed is weight too removed so value could increase 12000 and if mass increased value is 400 so our effort should be 400 more added
So I write ahead:Zero time is space so mass removed doesn’t work but time removes work. And force removes have weird answers like weight removes and force removed are opposite we get value 400. Force removed is weight too removed so value could increase 12000 and if mass increased value is 400 so our effort should be 400 more added
F=m/t as time is removed from mass force is weight so weight
and force are not same we know as here it is no force we talk about. How much
force it does gets move is the weight. And as time is removed the space craft
isn’t moving and object isn’t sliding. (space craft is in Nothing) Friction is also from base so object not able
to slide informs weight. (So it is
noforce here on the object other than gravity or weight in case of spacecraft
as weight is also due to mass even in spacecraft which could easilyt move is
under zero gravity but mass effect it has like weight even in zero gravity mass
effect is there or we din’t reach zero gravity.)(I ask for money if this is
true) (the last bracket we mean in the last bracket)
T=f/m as mass is removed there is time there is no force (
so no force time )so time is opposite or you against time and against force too
(time can’t be other than event or mass [people think wrong]people think wrong
that time is only with weight). Object doesn’t exists other than mass so there
no force but time is there if mass is there ( like t=m/f [movement time
removed]so we removed force so body is with mass in Nothing where gravity can’t
work then time is existing to be zero event has not happened.(I ask money if
this is true) (I mean the whole paragraph)
M=f/t as time is removed but force exists and weight exists
due to mass so we come to knows the object with mass like spacecraft. Just the force
acting time we could remove still force is there as zero and there is gravity
if time isn’t there ( so time is there) which is stopping the spacecraft so we
come to know force too other than mass.(time and weight could be samed) Force other
than mass is time which stops the spacecraft so we remove it as force upon time
f/ we take time in moving of the object is according to weight
or due to weight (like in spacecraft due to weight and normally what according
to weight I am not sure which one [according or due to] where)but spacecraft is
weightless in Nothing still weight is there due to mass as without force too
spacecraft has weight due to mass(time removed is lightlike velocity for a
spacecraft as alone force is there but for mass and time we work for so
equation or formula is required still we cannot deny it this definition is true
such way too only mass and time there we live so can’t deny this can’t deny
this formula.)
Force or weight could be same in case of moving object
required force f equals as weight of the object ( and has to overcome to move
the spacecraft ) so f/w=t.
So 400 is the mass ( with weight is gravity so just the mass
effect is so [its only inreal mass)( to be overcome to move in zero gravity ),
weight and time
force and weight are different for a moving object as w/f=t
as we only know steady objects till time we weren’t calculating mass and weight
W=12000. (this much time we require to move the spacecraft)
W=12000 (steady spacecraft), f=600 to move so t=20( is speed
with which spacecraft is moving [ so time should be lesser] and mass=30 (steady
Time we require to move (is) 12000 including weight means
the force we get including time so by this power space craft in gravity can
The difference between zero gravity and weight is 400(=mass)
(so its weight removed mass is weight alone as force is 400 so 200 more to
overcome weight to move our force is 600and (=weight other than mass force
should be considering zero to move spacecraft is 800 or 1000 ( double to
overcome mass or at 600 is 1000 [600+400{weight removed is 400}]) should be and
normally we move spacecraft is 12000 so we should be 800 (double of 400) times
or 1000 ( force + new mass ) times according to initial mass weight and gravity
all three or even its percentage size or it shows the percentage.) some thing
these value shows.
Time now we get or know before we only studied force
required not force acting which is possible by the simple definition m=f/t.
As time x force = weight so force=weight / time
So 20 x 600=12000 is the weight so force 600 = weight 12000/
So 400 is the mass we come to know as 30/12000
So 30 mass is separate and 400 mass is with time and event
[together included] ( as event could be with time means work done to calculate from
before is 400 so as the body of spacecraft is 30 in mass (And is becomes I say
ahead) it becomes 400 with time,weight and gravity also weight and
gravity (weight and gravity are same or time and weight are same as I din’t see
the spacecraft can’t say)could be different [due to mass] (as in space too its
same as 20 x 30 is 600 force it is while mass we got is 400 so only force of
200 is applied (to move it). When try to move spacecraft force is different
even mass for system is 14 times more than the spacecraft is steady or opposite
if in zero gravity we are. Normally I informed 1st three paragraph
other than the first line other I worked for my study.
400=600/t t=400/600 = 0.66
Value shows something which we can’t understand and know but
in future values will be preferable I prefer prefer all other than value no
only value.
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