Large Hadron Collider I write few sentences first. One
paragraph I write other information is for guidance of working on Large Hadron
Speed of light is 300000 km/sec that is three lakhs km/sec in Hadron collider it should be seen half of lightlike velocity is spaceforce full lightlike velocity is time so to attain Nothing one more spaceforce we go ahead (than light like velocity) is that 450000km/sec fourlakhs fiftythousand km/sec it shows Nothing as the reason I explained aand electron (spaceforce) calculated ahead should be seen by applying is there or double of the time should be seen is same if calculation as I say of Nothing attaining if we don’t get then we go one more spaceforce ahead that is 600000 km/sec six lakhs km/sec should be seen or still if not get Nothing or can’t come to know time travel spaceforce we go ahead more. From this you should come to know or get results. Just Hadron Collider see now. Or this percentage difference you calculate as figures are different from eachother could be used in LHC. Yes I say for Large Hadron Collider.
So these are the links due which we saw speed so can always
come to electron it doesn’t vanishes but travels time or is at more than one
place. Or we can use mirror who is already timetravelling backwards, which may
not be for electron so if you can’t see electron could be known through the
And time isn’t dimension so its from control of dimension
other wise due to time is vast or outside still lightlike velocity could
inform. If not anything inform I say. Time is just an arrow from outside line
here and so not dimension as dimension is spaceforce calculated more than time
time is even ahead so outside dim as ahead in speed is time travel which could
be anywhere outside dimensions due to speed and then due to track record are
not in dimensions as only event is noted not dimension is time so come to know
time okay. Dimension can’t be calculated outside time but in time we calculate
and any figure time and dim could not be same. Entanglement and Podolsk Rosen
effect is together time so see in Hadron collider what difference time is with
electron and what time calculates is firstly not dim, then different figure (at
least some different is time I ask for Money here someone said time is different
from all surrounding [ as it doesn’t occupy space and only different is the
function and anything different is time different so different word is ]) from
outside so it is no dimension too no it is something other than dimension. Time
isn’t there dim still happening was it so you are outside dim with time.
Or in time not anything has happened it could be past too or
no future comes to us just we are there due to time. Dimension are future so
time is past mirror is past so time future. At lightlike velocity it is different
time is timetravell is future. Dimensions are there as future but in no time
mirror is past so in time. Just due to dim can’t be known hadron collider is no
big job to do. Dim are future but no time so can’t be from time and can’t stay
ahead than time as are no-time future(at lightlike velocity only you are or
time is ahead dim) (due to dimensions are there we can’t know future) ( here I
ask for money here you can’t know any future due to dimensions are no-time,
calculating dimensions is no future as calculation is past calculating dim we
keep do jobs dimensions can’t be met [as they are past in future but]they are
future above time - so can’t usefull you only see dim you don’t use it so calculate
Hadron Collider which is result of time and electron as I say yes it is correct
). Time you think only time future will be usefull time is our best friend so
can’t be dim or don’t occupy anything just works all dimensions mistake we
calculate that is not time but we calculate what in Hadron Collider is time. As
time is always at lightlike velocity others is just clock. Learn science you
don’t use clock. That we calculate either electron or space we calculate which
makes us not that dimension or Nothing too we don’t calculate ( only we calculate
big and/but Nothing too we can’t calculate )but could work with Nothing lets
see when we attain Nothing.
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